What treat did your chickies get today?

My chickens love sweet potato skins. When I make them, I boil them in big chunks..then cool and peel. The skins slip right off. They also get any scraps from the day that are healthy, and once in a while, some that aren't.
Just braved the cold and snow to take mine warm yogurt over warm buttered biscuits. I was gone for a few days over Christmas and I just KNOW they all missed me! Goats got warm biscuits and peanut butter, guardian dog got warm kibble covered in warm bacon grease and yogurt. Now that the critters are taken care of, I'll just have my coffee. Gonna try my hand at making chicken saddles today.
Just braved the cold and snow to take mine warm yogurt over warm buttered biscuits. I was gone for a few days over Christmas and I just KNOW they all missed me! Goats got warm biscuits and peanut butter, guardian dog got warm kibble covered in warm bacon grease and yogurt. Now that the critters are taken care of, I'll just have my coffee. Gonna try my hand at making chicken saddles today.

i would love to try making some chicken saddles or at least buy one lol
I've been giving my ladies oatmeal with dry meal worms, I have been noticing lately that they have not been eating their layer food and was wondering can you spoil them like dogs to the point where they stop eating their "own" food? Should I stop with the treats until they starting eating or just keep spoiling them?
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I've been giving my ladies oatmeal with dry meal worms, I have been noticing lately that they have not been eating their layer food and was wondering can you spoil them like dogs to the point where they stop eating their "own" food? Should I stop with the treats until they starting eating or just keep spoiling them?
I give mine their fermented feed first thing in the morning. After a while, i go back out and check. If they have eaten most of their feed, then I look for something to give them for a treat. If not, they will only get feed for that day. some days, they just aren't very hungry.
In Indianapolis, IN during an 8" snow fall yesterday. Put plastic around the run and gave them sprouted BOSS along with some warm oatmeal/bananas and seed.

I use tubs that we get from walmart. If you look in the last pic, you will see a lid. Its from the same size tub. We use two: drill holes in one and sit inside the other. Water several times a day for about 4 or five days ( dump water excess ). Start by soaking for 24 hrs...add some hydrogen peroxide to cut down on bacteria in the soak.

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