What treat did your chickies get today?

i cooked some long grain rice.....gave some to my hens who love it. My roosters cluck and bawk and scratch and then bawk some more to the girls.....lol they are so silly but also so good to the hens. Then I gave some to the 15 chicks that I have in my basement since it is too cold at the barn...they are 4 weeks old. They were not sure what to do with it ....then the free for all started....lol apparently.....I am a good mama.
Ours LOVED a bag of crickets that I dumped into the tractor - They didn't know what was going on at first and then their chickeness kicked in. It was great to see them having so much fun during their first winter. Happy pullets, poor little crickets
Mine go absolutely crazy for bananas! This morning, they got warm oat bran cereal. Funny thing, they're accustomed to having something warm in the mornings now, and if I don't give it to them, they get quite worked up and loud.
Mine go absolutely crazy for bananas! This morning, they got warm oat bran cereal. Funny thing, they're accustomed to having something warm in the mornings now, and if I don't give it to them, they get quite worked up and loud.
My chickens are loud until I give them something to eat, let them out, or call them lovely ladies. :p Seriously, I said, "How you today my lovely ladies" And they were quiet! It was quite funny!
Today I gave the girls some leftover salad with 3 cherry tomatoes in it...it was hilarious! Rhody grabbed one tomato and ran off, chased by Moa. Moa grabbed it from her and Squirt started to chase Moa. Rhody was crying because her tomato got stolen, so I tossed one to her and she started to furiously peck at it and swallow it. Foggy and Bo decided to eat the lettuce, and left the tomatoes to the others. They loved it! They have been stuck in the playpen since it's been so snowy and they just hate to walk on the snow.
My 17 week pullets refuse to eat just about everything I've offered them except tomatoes and they will sometimes eat blueberries but that's even hit or miss. I threw them some pork tenderloin and they didn't seem to love it either--I tried mashed potates, they just walked them into to the ground, cooked squash entertained them for a few minutes, then they were done. Cooked oatmeal didn't fly. Lettuce was a loser. Am going to try some leftover veges tomorrow but have my doubts. They like their scratch grains and their forage cake and today didn't seem to be interested in their crumbles. I've tried it wet and dry. I'm trying to get a feeding routine in place but they make it very difficult.

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