What treat did your chickies get today?

Originally Posted by Wyandotte103

What do I kneed to feed my1 week old wyandotte

Our chicks didn't start getting treats till they were about 4 weeks old.
Prior to that, The only "treat" they received was chopped up cilantro (very fine)
because one of our first chicks was ill and someone told me that
was a natural detoxifier. Didn't help the sick one but the healthy
chicks sure loved it and still do. I made sure that any time I gave them anything
other than chick starter that they also had chick grit spread around with
it. Helps with the digestion - I am told that chick grit is not needed if all they eat is
the chick starter.
Well the dried corn on the cob remains in the run. However, I threw romaine lettuce in the run with the leaves attached to the core. When I got home hours later, there was no sign of the lettuce or the core. Guess they know what they like.
Left over food from the week. Red beans, pasta. chicken, turkey, beef, celery and carrets. (we had beef stew one night and chicken soup another) Oh ya and some Deep fried Swai in breed crumbs. Still have enough for tomorrows snack. I try to cook beans for them once a week. I smash it up and mix it with the other food. If i dont they leave a lot of beans uneaten.
This is in response to the subject of hens laying or not laying in the winter months. Ours (2 Barred Rocks and 1 Golden Comet) are laying 2-3 eggs every day, without any type of artificial light. They are youngsters though, about 9 months old, so that may have something to do with it. Live in Ohio at about 41 degrees latitude. So far, no problems with egg production.
I made hushpuppies last night nobody in the house liked them and that was just fine with the girls cause they loved them and there was plenty for everybody
What do I kneed to feed my1 week old wyandottes

I would not give them much, at that age they really liked mash(water and feed), you will have to wean them off or they will not eat normal feed so just a little once a day at most. Just put a little of the treated water in the feed and let it sit for 30 sec(enough water to make the feed expand x2 or x3). I would still mix in a little grit but they will love it. You can also give them a little plain Greek yogurt mix with feed. At that age they loved it but not as much as they hated to have dirty beaks so the feed will help with that. I read that just like human infants honey should not be given to them young, I really don't give it to them at all. If they are stressed you can give them a little sugar water. At two or three weeks you can introduce them to meal worms they might run from them at this point or not be able to eat them, no earth worms till they are much older. Also if you can find it baby cakes are good for them. I also gave them scrambled eggs once in a while.
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