What treat did your chickies get today?

My new chicks are now 8 days old. They love scrambled eggs and yogurt. Last night I mixed some finally chopped kale with yogurt and some feed, they loved it. They had a plate of scrambled eggs this morning. After the first time they got the hint a treat was coming. Now they come right to it when I put it down.

My girls eat it and love it, I often add cheyenne flakes to their food to get them to start laying. My girls are my garbage disposals and I have yet to find anything they will not eat :)
good to know . I've had leftover indian and thai food that I've never bothered trying to give to them because I thought it would be too spicy and disrupt their digestion. I'll have to ease my flock into that then....
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My girls had oatmeal and sweet potatoes. They gobbled it up! They won't come out of the coop because of the new snow fall we had, as soon as it stops snowing I am going to go throw some straw down in their pen so they will come out. I have their run covered but the snow blew through the fence. My dogs won't go out when it is raining but love to go out in the snow. My chickens won't go out in the snow but don't care about getting their feet wet in the rain! Go figure!

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