What treat did your chickies get today?

Peaches peaches and peaches! I was also wondering if it's okay to give them peaches that other birds have pecked at while still on my peach tree? If the wild birds had any diseases wouldn't my chickens get it anyways?
Mine will get a tub of yogurt that had frozen in the fridge. When it thawed, it was grainy! Unfortunately I had already mixed in the few precious blueberries from my little bitty plant. They will also get tomato scraps, and a corn cob from making salsa last night. Spoiled little birds. They know I always bring them something.....
My chooks have never liked mealworms until today!! Now they have decided that they are almost equal to crickets in fabulousness. But must be rehydrated.
I saw one of mine running around with a tree frog in its beak yesterday!

Today they got half a leftover tuna salad sandwich with muenster cheese.
My girls are partial to Cicada. They always seem to find some and haul feathers around the yard to keep the others from getting their seemingly tasty bug treat!

When they are not snatching up Cicada, they love getting squash, frozen watermelon, frozen pineapple and crumbled up vanilla wafers!
Okra from the garden (I cut them long-wise & they eat the inside), strawberries, and some pear my daughter didn't eat. Plus scratch. It was 80 degrees today so we haven't broken out the warm stuff yet.
The biggest problem I'm having is them pecking at my nail polish thinking they are grapes! Ouch.
Hahaha! My birds love to sit and peck at my fingernails too! Too cute

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