What treat did your chickies get today?

The pullets and the cockerel: sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, peanuts, that yogurt soup I keep talking about, kefir, smashed acorns

The chicks in the brooder: a smashed peanut, crickets and roaches *I don't know whether to be thrilled that they eat roaches or nauseated*
My father owns and operates a small hydroponic tomato and lettuce farm, so the girls got a hige head of romaine that was beginning to wilt, a half chopped up cuke, a whole chopped up pepper, and two big fresh apples cored and chopped.

It ended up being a huge bowl of salad, essentially, and quite tasty looking too! I also threw in a scoop of scratch. I find with all these fresh veggies that my girls are super consistent layers with minimal egg errors, and are more content with staying in the run while we attempt to trap the fox that attacked last week.
Tomatoes and cucumbers from our garden (the cold nights here have made the veggies a little bitter for humans but still loved by chickens).
I must have the most finicky hens ever.

I just got them recently, not together; Bubbi & Bertha.

Tonight they got chopped cucumber, grapes and strawberries. They barely ate any of it.

Bubbi also doesn't like oats, sunflower seeds or peanuts.

I remember when growing up having chickens, we basically had a bucket under the sink for all edible waste and all our birds LOVED it all... these two... I've never seen anything like them.
I don't think I've spoiled them. I haven't had them long enough to do so. They came to me this way! Basically just eat the stuff from the feeder and graze when I let them out. still trying to find good treats for them to add to their diet. I keep reading what everyone else is giving their chickens and they are pretty much all a bust with these two.

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