What treat did your chickies get today?

I started juicing vegetables recently (sweet potato will blow your mind BTW) and the chickens are loving the shredded pulp scraps... What a great excuse to spoil myself & the girls with gobs of organic produce! Broccoli stalks and Chard or Kale stems are perfect for juicing, which allows me to re-use some of my kitchen scraps & waste before I toss them to the chicks.

I've used juicer pulp in recipes as well, like incorporating vegetable pulp in meatloaf (&/or neat-loaf), and fruit pulp is great for adding fiber & moisture to cupcakes or breads
And the girls Love love LOVE it, before or after use in other recipes. So I'm not adding fresh food scraps directly to the compost anymore, the chicken poo & raked weeds balance out the carbon/nitrogen ratio well & this summer heat allows the hens to play in the sprinkler hose while they turn the compost in the afternoon shade.
And frozen raspberries, because it's about 100 again today; although, the misters and damp sand help keep the chickies a little cooler.
My 6&7 week olds got generously cut watermelon rinds and some doughnuts that the ants had found, eww. The also have some raw broccoli and carrot that they are not too sure about. Maybe when they get a bit softer as some have said.

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