What treat did your chickies get today?

They got some lettuce, pumkin and sunflower seeds, and mealworms! They were happy girlies today!
Left-over tomato slices. They were so funny carrying long red pieces around in their beaks! They got stale hotdog buns and 2 peaches from the tree next to the coop! The peaches had worms, so they really enjoyed that...
I splurged at the store today and bought extra corn on the cob for 25 cts apiece. They will have a ball tomorrow.
Mine got out and i found them in my container garden mowing the grass between the containers. I sit down in the lawn chair and watched them for a while then decided that a couple pots should be moved. When i moved the pot there was a swarm of earwigs under there. The earwigs were gobbled up so quick i couldn't believe it. They aren't that fast when eating meal worms. So i spent a couple hours moving the containers one at a time allowing the chickens to eat there fill, or so i thought. As soon as they were out of earwigs they went back to the grass. When they started on the leaves on my veggie plants i chased them out of the garden and back into their pen where they started on the Fermented Feed. Bottomless pits, but lovable bottomless pits.
Mine have helped themselves to some blueberries, a few protruding cucumber leaves, and have searched under the deck for snails. I suspect they'll go look for fallen fruit and then have some grape leaves.

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