What treat did your chickies get today?

I hung a head of cabbage in their pen for them today, first time I have tried that. Also gave them some cherry tomatoes, a peach, wild sunflower plants (stalk and all) they normally strip everything off of it and I just remove the stalk later. Dandelion leaves, basil and parsley. I spoil them everyday. I cannot believe how much fun I am having with them. First time chicken owner here and now I want a more elaborate coop for them! My husband is shaking his head! :)
Clucker, I'm new too and feel the same way. I love looking in my fridge to find them some goodies. Everyday I will pick a bunch of healthy herbs and stuff from my backyard, dandelion leaves, plantain, etc. also they are getting left over salmon from last nights dinner. Just a 1/2 piece, but it's enough for the 19 of them to each get a little. Boy these eggs are gonna cost me a lot once they finally start laying.
trail mix!! they still aren't too sure as they are new to treats. Up until I joined this group I had no idea what was safe and what wasn't. My girls really love the fact that I am on here now
Stewed until they are soft chicken bones.

I roasted a chicken and sliced all the meat off. Then put the carcass into the crock-pot and let it simmer on low overnight.

When it was cool i de-boned the chicken and had a cup of meat for recipes and a pile of soft bones, skin and cartilage.

I snipped bones and all up with a pair of kitchen shears and gave it to the chickens. They gobbled it up like little avian hogs. Only mealworms have been a bigger hit.

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