What treat did your chickies get today?

I have some left over cured ham that has been in my frig a few wks. Its just a little old for me to want to eat does not smell is it OK for my chickens to eat?

A little at a time. The ham has salt. While the hens do need salt in their diet they don't need a huge amount all at once. 1/8 C (a coffee scoop full) per bird once in a great while should be ok. I would cut it up into worm shaped strips or run it through a food processor for ease of feeding. If there is extra you can freeze it for a later treat.

Please, come back and let us know how well the chickens liked the ham.
spaghetti squash, oatmeal. Can they have plums? I have plums that are a bit too ripe for me, thinking of cutting them up for the chickens.

Plums, yes any kind of fruit is consumed with glee. And you don't have to cut them up, the chickens will poke holes into them. If they are a little reluctant at first cut one in half they will get the idea.
I fed them mix of squash, cucumber and the plum. I know I dont have to cut them up, I do this so I can hand feed them. Working on our rooster and leghorns to get more friendly. Hand feeding them seems to be working.
My sneaky little chickens get into our garden every day, so I know they're getting their fill of lettuces, tomatoes and squash. Our garden went crazy this year, so it hasn't been any sort of loss for us, but it is hilarious to see a bunch of muddy birds in the late evening when we put them to bed.
Nice watered grass and weeds, cucumbers and all the dropped tomatoes they could eat.

I had to pack my container garden into the greenhouse last night as the weatherman predicted a good hard freeze every night this week. So i took down the fence to move the containers and the chickens have spent hours eating as fast as they can. The grass and weeds has been brown everywhere else for 2 months.

Wonder if all that fresh green food is going to give them the trots.

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