What treat did your chickies get today?

Tiny Bird Tim, one of the cute bantam cockerels we have, got to come down to the garden with me whilst I Picked beans today... He picked the leaves on the Green Bean plants, and found some nice weeds to eat (Namely grasses and Purslane. (Which I myself don't mind eating, either).)
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Isn't it nice to have company in the garden! Chickens are definitely undervalued as friendly, playful, inquisitive companions by most of society. My ladies also helped with the garden. They hunted lots of bugs and slugs and got some overripe tomatoes.
My flock loves cooked spaghetti noodles and macaroni (elbow shaped). I brake the spaghetti in thirds so they can swallow it quick instead of running around with it. They also like corn tortillas, I use a knife to cut about 20 of them length wise about 1/2 wide, then cut them across, the end result are small squares. looks like confetti when I toss it to them.

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