What treat did your chickies get today?

We got home after 2 days away. I made mine chopped kale, scrambled eggs, zucchini, corn, shredded apples, & a little wild bird seed. They were really happy to get it! Really hot here. Misters are going to help them cool off. They ate great.
I worked in the garden today. The girls walk outside the electric fence when I'm in there. They know if it is not for people, they get it, tomatoes, corn, buggy beans, hornworms.....squash beetles. They LOVE cherry tomatoes! Today they also got a FROG! It was like watching them play with a stretch Armstrong doll.
Mine birds will eventually eat full uncut zucchini, cucumber, and yellow squash or similar, but it usually takes a day before they go for it, and it's usually the guinea fowl that rip into it not the chickens... If I actually want all the birds to dive right in I have to at least slice it length wise exposing the inside, or run it through a food processor, and even then it's not their favorite treat...

Meep beep,

Thanks! I cut the zucchini they hadn't touched in half and put half on the ground and half was hanging. That evening they had devoured both. So funny how it tastes them a little time to try new foods. They wouldn't try some of their favorite foods at first!

Today my hens ate pear, grapes and tomatoes from the garden and mealworms.
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As our birds get bigger, we are chopping and dicing less and less.
I am finding that bigger pieces give them something to keep them occupied and as long as there are enough so everyone can get to whatever we are giving them, there are nothing but happy sounds coming from the pen.
So far, raspberries and broccoli have been the only 2 things they have turned their beaks up at.
When we give them corn on the cob, I clean the ears and break them into 3rds while I am sitting just outside the door. They gather at the door and patiently wait for me to toss the pieces into the pen.
They love fresh corn so once I toss the pieces in, I am able to go in and do all the changing of water and any thing else I need to get done in there without them underfoot the entire time.
I like to handfeed grapes, blueberries and such to make sure everyone gets some as there are a few really voracious feeder in the crowd, especially if the fruit is barely thawed.
Our hens really love all garden and orchard scraps, especially any sort of squash. We don't even have to chop or split them, as the ladies figured out how to peck a hole in a veggie and hollow it out quickly. Hard pumpkins are split in half for them, but everything else they cut it up themselves. :) They get all the grass/green plants and bugs they can eat foraging, so anything different is always a treat.
I slice the zucchini length wise and set it on the ground. Chickens eat dirt, it's ok

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