What treat did your chickies get today?

I was on vacation last week so the chickens were on a commercial feed diet all last week with the sitter and most of this week as we adjust to being back home and catching up on other things... I scored a boat load of chopped/shredded salad lettuces yesterday as well as a bunch of fresh broccoli florets... Gave the chickens a copious amount of lettuce today and they were not all that impressed... I suspect they have probably been filling up on the commercial feed not expecting any treats, and are out of sync...
Mine got a head of spring greens (hung up to entertain them), some corn to scratch at, and the leftover seeds and pulp from some raspberry and blackberry jam I made this morning.
We had a little rain, and then I saw my girls chasing each other around with a frog this morning! The fastest one ended up downing it. Good little foragers!

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