What treat did your chickies get today?

Yesterday I filled their hanging suet feeder with apple, broccoli, cabbage, and cucumber. They got a handful of sunflower seeds for being such good girls. And at night, their usual handful of mealworms. Does anyone have a chicken that doesn't like mealworms? I do. She liked them when she was younger, but now she won't go near them. In fact, when I throw them out, she squawks and runs off.
Yesterday I filled their hanging suet feeder with apple, broccoli, cabbage, and cucumber.  They got a handful of sunflower seeds for being such good girls.  And at night, their usual handful of mealworms.  Does anyone have a chicken that doesn't like mealworms?  I do.  She liked them when she was younger, but now she won't go near them.  In fact, when I throw them out, she squawks and runs off.  

I have a silver pencilled plymouth rock (quite a mouthful) who doesn't care for them either, I have 20 other chucks and various ducks who hoover them up instead, infact all she eats is layers pellets, she shuns most treats, strange chicken...she's happy to eat my rose bushes though :barnie
I have a silver pencilled plymouth rock (quite a mouthful) who doesn't care for them either, I have 20 other chucks and various ducks who hoover them up instead, infact all she eats is layers pellets, she shuns most treats, strange chicken...she's happy to eat my rose bushes though

Most treats? That is a strange chicken. Mine steer very clear of my rose bushes (maybe it's the thorns), but they like my bee balm and lithadora.
Most treats?  That is a strange chicken.  Mine steer very clear of my rose bushes (maybe it's the thorns), but they like my bee balm and lithadora.  

Yeah she is odd...she's quite far down the pecking order so maybe she just backs off, though even if I get her alone she's not bothered! Weirdo she is.
Mine got pomegranate seeds. It's a good thing they like them because my tree is groaning with fruits. They'll be eating pomegranates from now until Thanksgiving.

(First post to BYC. Hiya!)

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