What treat did your chickies get today?

Apple, banana, zucchini and cracked corn. Spoiled little fluff balls
Rain blew down the sunflowers, so I left one sunflower in the coop. Nada... The girls did not touch it. I finally pulled off the seeds and put them in their food and they ate them. Always surprised about new things and chickens! The girls have been eating sunflower seeds since they were 8 weeks old. But not fresh ones. LOL.
Rain blew down the sunflowers, so I left one sunflower in the coop. Nada... The girls did not touch it. I finally pulled off the seeds and put them in their food and they ate them. Always surprised about new things and chickens! The girls have been eating sunflower seeds since they were 8 weeks old. But not fresh ones. LOL.

Mine wouldn't eat the seeds off the head either. But when I picked them off they gobbled them up.
It's hilarious sometimes. The pen of adults have probably seen about everything in the way of non-feed items and tear into everything.
The pen of juveniles will inspect new things but won't really dig in to something new until I offer it from my hand and then the pecking order or curiosity factor always brings the Red Sex Link first. As Oreo gets a little older, 6 1/2 months now, he is starting to take the lead and distribute. He is becoming quite a hit with the ladies and has a very nice side shuffle. The boy has some moves.
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My chickens have gotten fat. Sunflower seed-peanut butter cakes, I suspect, are the culprits. What is a good, low-fat treat for them?
My chickens have gotten fat. Sunflower seed-peanut butter cakes, I suspect, are the culprits. What is a good, low-fat treat for them?

Mine love shredded carrots (I just buy them shredded), tomatoes, raisins, kale, cabbage and most veggies. They love fruit though not sure if it is fattening. Just scroll through this thread. I'm sure you will get a lot of suggestions as chickens all have different tastes. All of mine do go crazy for raisins.
Okra from the garden (I cut them long-wise & they eat the inside), strawberries, and some pear my daughter didn't eat. Plus scratch. It was 80 degrees today so we haven't broken out the warm stuff yet.
The biggest problem I'm having is them pecking at my nail polish thinking they are grapes! Ouch.
wow you must have a very healthy flock!

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