What treat did your chickies get today?

BOSS, a few peanuts, some superworms and plain yogurt!

The superworms and the yogurt were the biggest hits, I think. :) I have one girl who loooves the boss and one who can't stand it unless I open it up for her, and it's the other way around with those two and the peanuts LOL
Free apples and bananas from a local grocer
So much variety today mostly because it was time for flock integration (which went decently, yay). Oats, strawberries, grass, carrot and apple peels, and a hard boiled egg.
My pullets got leftovers, some microwave plain pasta that was awful texture-wise, sprouted mung beans/wheat/quinoa, a little BOSS, and garden weeds. I made sure they filled up on their regular feed first before handing out all the goodies though!

The brooder chicks got chopped cilantro.
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As we are in the middle of a blizzard here and none if my chickens want to go out and forage and well cause its Easter they got a Chicken Dream Feast for 13 20 wks old chickens will give them some BOSS later if they eat everything


They do love that watermelon! I need to show my ignorance here. What is BOSS? I assume it is barley, oats and stuff that starts with "S". sugar, salt, soy, spinach, salmon, saffron, sake??

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