What treat did your chickies get today?

I can't honestly say as I have not researched it well enough since my birds won't eat the peels anyway, so that creates the bigger problem of slimy, stinky rotting peels all over the coop and deep litter, not something I want to clean up an deal with either...

Late getting back to this. Was thinking more for the other types of fruit--plums, apples, etc..
More zucchinis & cukes, their the only ones growing in this dry summer
@jcooper3 I am going to try the tuna!! I bet mine would love it.
I gave mine corn on the cob and later found a leftover fried chicken breast in the fridge that I tore up for them.
I have 18 out in the yard so the chicken didn't go far. Lol
And the usual, crimped oats.
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