What treat did your chickies get today?

Today a tomato plant was knocked down in the garden (it fell under its own weight, that sucker was 5 ft tall!) so my flock got to eat all that I didnt use for rooting. They go nuts for tomato leaves. They also got some grass clippings and marigold flowers which are supposed to help egg production.
Today a tomato plant was knocked down in the garden (it fell under its own weight, that sucker was 5 ft tall!) so my flock got to eat all that I didnt use for rooting. They go nuts for tomato leaves. They also got some grass clippings and marigold flowers which are supposed to help egg production.

I didn't know chickens like tomato leaves? I thought it's not good for them, somewhere couple of years ago I have read that green tomatoes and their leaves can be toxic to them. Just curious. Maybe the info I read was wrong, I got 20 tomato plants waiting for them if it's good - I should research on this again.
No, you were right. Tomato plants contain the toxin solanine and shouldn't be fed to chickens deliberately. Red tomatoes are fine. Green tomatoes contain a little bit (you'd have to feed them exclusively for a long time to have an effect). But the actual plant contains the highest concentration.
No, you were right. Tomato plants contain the toxin solanine and shouldn't be fed to chickens deliberately. Red tomatoes are fine. Green tomatoes contain a little bit (you'd have to feed them exclusively for a long time to have an effect). But the actual plant contains the highest concentration.

Wow. I've never heard that before. I've always let the chickens pretty much demolish the garden at the end of season, they always went straight to the tomato plants so I never thought much about it.
I've never had any problems but I wont be giving them tomato leaves again! Not worth the risk.

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