What treat did your chickies get today?

My girls just had their first treats (that I fed them)....Apples, a few bits of tomatoes, and pomegranate seeds.

And the boys are catching grasshoppers and they are loving them too!
Nothing. They are just over two weeks and I tried to give them treats for the first time. I cut up a little chicken into really small pieces. No one was intersted. They looked at me like I was nuts. Ok, so what's the secret to get them to try treats?
Scrambled eggs - 47 to be exact that my grandson found in the hay stack, tomatoes, brussel sprouts and their all time favorite - mashed potatoes. I love to watch them wipe off their beaks!
Leftover fish from dinner last night that I mixed with white rice, ground flax seed, mashed green beans and a shredded carrot. My husband came in while I was mixing it all up and asked if it was for dinner. I replied that I was cooking for the chickens- he told me the chickens were very spoiled and ate better than most people. Well, yeah. I love my babies.
My girls got a mixture of yogurt, apples, soaked & softened wheat berries, corn, oats, lentils,& parsley. It was a mix of a whole bunch of leftover stuff today. They gobbled it greedily.
Plus, since I've been spoiling them with goodies.....we got 3 eggs this morning! We have 4 girls....and 2 eggs has been our max. They just started laying a few weeks ago.

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