What treat did your chickies get today?

Wow, some of these chickens are eating better than MINE are. I thought I was spoiling mine by giving them yogurt every couple of days and fresh kale a few times a week. I better step it up, or they are gonna report me to the ASPCA if they find out what everyone ELSE is getting!
Heck some of these chickens are eating better than ME.
I have never given the girls anything that has been cooked.
Typically they get apples, green leaves from the trees/wild raspberry canes and whatever veggies/fruit the caffeteria ladies send home with my eldest son.
They LOVE broccoli, melons, tomatoes and cucumber. They will eat carrot peels, but that doesn't seem to be a favourite. Wasn't sure about cabbage, but now that I see others have done so, I will try that, too.

Nice to know I'm not the only person that gives "treats" to the girls!
i love this thread lol. question about grit, do i need to add in some? they have dirt in the coop etc. hoping im not depriving them of a needed item. thanks

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