What treat did your chickies get today?

Pumpkin guts

I just cooked a huge pumpkin so the chickens get the seeds & innards.
Yesterday raw, tossed to them in their yard.
This morning cooked into their oatmeal.
Tonight they'll get some of the rind from the baked pumpkin with some of the flesh still attached.

Do you think they'll get sick of eating pumpkin
This morning I took a gross looking mix that had slightly freezer burnt corn dogs, ham, veggie mix along with some older bread, buns and cat food. When I was back this afternoon I notice all the meat and cat food has been picked out and they left the veggies. It's a first as far as the chickens being picky eaters.
Mine are getting left-over chicken pot pie with biscuits for lunch today.

Will be their first table scrap meal, so I'm curious to see who and what they"ll eat.
I've got five week old chicks in the garage who have "brooder fever". I've taken them outside a few times to their run when the weather was nice. But it's been cold and rainy lately.
I've tried a number of treats thinking that might help alievate their bordem, but they are simply not interested. I've tried hard boiled egg, yogurt, grapes, beet tops, apple and apple sauce. I even put in a small sprinkling of hulled sun flower seeds the other day and nothing.

I was just about to completely give up when I was tidying up the garage and came across a spider. So I picked it up and tossed it into the brooder. One snapped it up before the others had seen was it was. I've been putting a touch of grit into their feed so I'm comfortable giving them more solid foods.

Do you think they are ready for freeze dried meal worms? Or maybe small crickets? Are 5 week old chicks ready for these sorts of things? -Amy
I gave several handfuls of scratch and cat food. (Some of the Girls are molting) and a bag of apple cores and peelings that my neighbor delivered. They're really getting tired of apples though.

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