What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine got canned corn, chopped kale, and they always have store bought feed mixed with black sunny seeds and wildbird seed mix, which works well for scratch.
My feathered children got a bowl of warm, raw milk along with their regular breakfast of chicken feed. They love it, and it helps to give them the extra protein and calcium that layers need in these cold temps.

Late in the afternoon, my wife threw sunflower seeds into their run and let them forage for it.

Oh, and the chickens also got the outer leaves that came off of the broccoli plant that we harvested for supper. We eat the broccoli florets, and the chickens get the outer leaves and stuff we don't want....

They LOVE broccoli leaves....
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I cheated today and went the easy way. All they got was the regular food, a poultry food cake my mom got at the feed store, and the last blueberry waffle out of the freezer. It was at the point my son wouldn't eat it but still ok and I'd just as soon give it to the chickies as I would eat it. Ollie, in my avatar pic with my son, picks out the blueberry's before anyone else can get them though.
The little Piggie!!!
I've been slackin on the treats here lately. Mine got their regular layin pellets with crushed red pepper flakes, a little scratch this mornin, one cut up apple, two cut up tomatoe's & one cut up carrot. They won't get many treats today either cause it's rainin & there's 100% chance till mornin.
The treat my chickens got today was being able to eat lunch 10 feet away from a dead racoon which has been terrorizing/ attacking them for the past week

oh, and they're about to get some Thanksgiving leftovers.
chicken noodle soup! (I had some leftover yesterday)

I've gotta start putting hot pepper flakes on the treats I put out for them. The dog keeps eating their treats!
Today it was pilaf, French cut green beans and mahi. The pilaf was gone in seconds, then a little more slowly the green beans. . .the fish was last! I was so surprised because they love their cat food!
Cold morning here... everyone got warm cooked sweet potatoes with brown rice, dates, cream of wheat, chopped celery and a dab of parsley. When I get new birds they often haven't had home cooked treats and it's difficult to find the right thing to tempt them. I was happy that I got a vigorous thumbs up this morning and noticed that even the hard to please silky and the pair of young pea birds were really getting into it.

Still no luck with the sumatras, though.
Its about 25 Degrees here and they got the last of the pumpkins and a little leftover corn! all of the RIR try to take the seeds and they are greatly outnumbered by my Buff Orphingtons! it is like a little battle for the seeds and the goo inside!

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