What treat did your chickies get today?

salad leftovers and trimming including lettuce, celery, cilantro, carrots, onion and a couple of over ripe strawberries...I can't get in th e door in the morning because they crowd so close to it when they hear me coming...
Some veggie and cabbage trimmings from a local veggie mart, BOSS, flax seeds, kelp meal, and thickened sour milk in a large feeder. They really like the flax seeds. They go for those and the BOSS first. They are truly spoiled.
Well today we plowed under our remaining mustard greem preparing to
plant our spring garden so along with a few handfuls of whole corn they
had plenty of playtime in the fresh dirt attacking the greens.
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So this is the flock block copy cat from a prior recipe posted here. Apparently I'm slow! I made three blocks so far and my darned chickens ate each one in a few hours. It calls for 8 cups of scratch...calculate 17 chickens and other snackage...really??!! I'm slow but after three of these things, I ought not make any more. They devoured the last one in four hours, AFTER I delivered 10 scrambled eggs and 2 cups oats/granola...I shouldn't do this anymore, right?? My husband's dream come true would be to find dead and glutinous chickens.
My new coop will be big enough for me to sit in there and read a book and not crowd the gals ...... I may consider doing that just to spend time with them, what if I get a couple of Foster's', one for me and one for the gals? We could hang out and drink beer together. I'm sorry but that would be just hilarious. Not as hilarious as getting the geese drunk of course, but I'll take my giggles where I can get 'em.

OK they got some cabbage leaves, collards, and wild lettuce, and they probably should have gotten some leftover onion rings but I was afraid those might be bad for 'em (I treated myself to a restaurant burger today) so I left 'em on the plate. Bad me, probably.
Put Turnips with roots in the run couple times a week. They wait at the door for me now, and run off with the pieces to keep for themselves. Also sunflower seed, mashed taters, rice, any green leafy thing, and some scratch. I do not give em meat, no reason, just havent. I may try it and see what happens.

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