What treat did your chickies get today?

persimmons, pear and some long grass pulled from the garden.
Man, they were sooo happy!
They got a new friend! An EE, the introduction went beautifully and she's already 'buddied up' with the PR! They also got corn on the cob to distract them from the newbie!
Congrats on that!! How old are they? They must all be around the same age..?

Very clever using corn on the cob as a distraction!
The other day it rained for hours. I looked outside and found a puddle that was full of grubs that had drowned. I got a papercup and filled it up. I fed them one at a time, trying to make sure evryone got some. The greedy ones were jumping up to take from the cup. These were big fat ones, but they swallowed them as quick as possible to get another one.
I am cleaning up my garden and putting it to rest for the winter. My chickens got several tomatoes that were split and therefore unable to be stored over winter. I don't think they minded. They've had their little eyes on my tomato plants ever since I first gave them one this summer.
You can tell I love my chickens... we went grocery shopping and I bought a bunch of treats for them. Forgot to buy myself coffee. Oh well.

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