What treat did your chickies get today?

I'm so ashamed....I had a fast food sandwich for lunch
didn't eat it all, they got the left over ham and cheese!
There was almost a fight. I'm ashamed I got the sandwich
for me!
They had most of a clif bar. They'd never had anything like that befor and loved it. Even Ruthie, who scratches to a different drummer, climbed over me to get at it.
leftover pancake and warm oatmeal with craisins in it

I got 2 eggs today!
They just started laying so this is egg 3 and 4!
Perfect little eggs in perfect little shells in the perfect spot!
Grits from breakfast, and scraps from my MawMaw's house when I visited her today.
my gang got everything bagels that I forgot I had in the fridge. they dont like to share and become theives of who gets the biggest peice.
My husband's peanut butter and jelly sandwich!! He went to reach for his soda water and one of our girls jumped like a dog and snatched it right out of his hand. A race to get the sandwich was on of course, it was like watching desperate bacholorettes going for the thrown bouquet at a wedding.

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