What treat did your chickies get today?

Mashed potatoes....and I just had to chuckle as I watched them gobble the potatoes down....they had little beaks with evidence on them
My eight three week old chick babies got their first taste of raw broccoli today. It was past hysterical the way they acted. There is a small hole that I had cut in the brooder box side, so I stuck a piece of broccoli in the hole. They went absolutely nuts over it.They pecked off all the florets, the stems, and the wppdy part of the stalk. They ripped and tore and pecked until there was absolutely nothing left.They are a joy to watch. (I only gave them one small head because I don't want them to end of with diarrhea.)
we slipped 45 billion cherrie tomatoes, they got the skins. Peeled and chopped the apples from our small tree and they got the scraps.

Most importantly, I got an apple pie. I even ate a piece in front of the chickens.
Thats a good treat but just to let you know avacado is poisonous to all birds so please don't feed your chickens that or they will die. And I fed mine some fresh picked grapes today with some sun flower seeds.


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