What treat did your chickies get today?

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck....mine got 3 cans of albacore tuna packed in water. I hate tuna but I buy it cause I know my flock loves it and it's good for them....Omega 3.
Broccoli plants and Cucumber
but today (tuesday) they got some bread slices and grass that i pulled from the yard. will probably give them a couple apples tomorrow to keep them entertained
My girls got 1/2 a cantaloupe rine to clean out, some tomatoes, and half a loaf of bread that went really stale. They love the bread.
Grapes, left over green beans from last night, a banana that was getting mushy, and a handful of mealworms tossed into a pile of dry leaves (in the run) when I had to leave for a couple of hours.

Happy birds!

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