What treat did your chickies get today?

My chick-babies got yogurt today for the first time, mixed with their favorite - scrambled eggs. I've been reading on the forum that yogurt was good for them, so why not give it a try. They weren't quite sure at first, but of course one tries, they all try. They cleaned the bowl up pretty well. Then out to the chick pen to spend the day. My gosh, they are getting so big!!! (5 weeks on Thurs.)
It was a slow day for treats today... some melon rind and dandelion greens in the morning and a little scratch tonight. It varies so much from day to day depending on what's cooking...

But last Sunday when I cleaned up my hop plants I found 3 gigantic grasshoppers that needed to find a new home
They did.
My poor chickies. I put some mealworms in a cup and took them out there. They know what the cup means (I always bring them mealworms in a cup and never anything else in the cups) so they were pretty excited. I opened the gate and threw the worms in. About half of them chowed down on the worms and the rest kept looking at me and the cup. They never had a chance. ugh. I don't want to hand feed each chicken their worms but dang, girls. Pay attention!

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