What treat did your chickies get today?

Only uncooked rice explodes in their tummies. I don't eat rice anyway. The cat food has lots of bad stuff in it for chooks. At least the cat likes it. EDIT; IS THAT A GREEN CHICKEN?
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ohhhh so its better to cook it first??

YUP!! lol two accually (not mine a friends son did it for a 4h project and im so fasinated with it)
with rice I just throw a 1/2 cup into a cup of water and microwave for 3min. and let it cool enough so it won't burn them. They like it a lot better than raw. easier for them to eat. I also have this aujus base paste. I just stick the back of the spoon into to coat then mix it into the rice. the girls go wild over it.
Mine got a big fat Teranchila, ham and beans, and a banana with the peel. I am testing to see what they will eat??? They loved the banana, will see about the peel and I had to kill the spider for them LOL

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