What treat did your chickies get today?

Today I gave them a really ripe banana, they love it! It's soft so they can take big chunks off, entertaining to watch!
I also gave them some of my veggie pizza, they come over like begging dogs. Tuco, one of my shy EE even jumped up on my lap, she usually doesn't like to get that close so I let her sit there and I fed her more pizza
I must have fussy fluffies as they wont eat banana! Wot do you all do with it to encourage them to eat it?
My girls did steal a nectarine from my 2 year olds hand in the garden... they LOVE those!
Mine had a beautiful yellow tomato that I cut in half for them. It is funny to watch them drink the tomato juice out of it. So cute.

Plus, they got a chunk of the jack o lantern.
Treats, hmm...Sixty mph winds count? Opened the coops this morning and they spilled out across the meadow, one good gust later and they all spilled back in. Warmed grain mash served in situ and a very bad day for eggs!
That is so cool. Do you have an app for those?

I gave mine some rice with broccoli and carrots, to which I added a can of kidney beans......and for the first time since I took over caring for this house of poultry, they ate all but he kidney beans. Pssshhh!


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