What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine got their treat on accident. I was out changing their feed and water getting them ready for "bed" (they are out in my shop for now till the coop gets finished) and a June bug flew into the pen. At first they wanted nothing to do with it and didn't want it touching them. Then one grabbed it before I could and then it was was "keep away" and "take away". Thank goodness I got them some grit. At 3-4 weeks old them things are to fast for me...can only imagine how its gonna be when they get much older.

LOL, my chickens are almost like goats....they will eat almost ANYTHING!! One day I saw one of my girls with something in her beak, beating it on the ground. At first I thought it was a grasshopper.....but it was floppy?!?!? When I looked more closely I realized it was a baby mouse. She'd found a mouse nest (I'd just moved a 55 gal drum) and she was cleaning up. PROTEIN, yum!!!
Today's treat was 6 grain oatmeal w/flaxseed and chia seed.... warmed nice and toasty with buttermilk on top..... yummmmmy Sunday breakfast!
We gave our 2 chickens a container of wheatgrass from the grocery store. They devoured it in minutes!
I'm gonna buy a few lbs of wheatgrass seed & make some flats of wheatgrass for them.
I cut my grass which is about half clover. Each flock got a bag full. It actually seemed to keep the roosters quieter. In this warm weather they also get a cup of oats instead of the wheat and BOSS they get in cold weather.
The breeders get some fishmeal added to their feed.
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This afternoon I gave my hens some boiled eggs that I acquired at work this week. Just chopped it up nice and small with some pepper. They loved it!
Mine got hard boiled eggs and some grass and weeds I pulled for them. Even though they can graze on the grass in their pen, they love to be handfed stuff I pull up for them. Spoiled birds >.>

Mine too - they can eat all the weeds and grass they want but they seem to REALLY like it when I pull it and hold it for them to eat. Spoiled indeed!
Scratch is unprocessed whole grains they maay be cracked but not processed. Not much nutritional content supposedly

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