What treat did your chickies get today?

I collected many bugs from my tomato plants today and was shocked when the chickens wouldn't touch them! They did eat the watermelon seeds, tomatoes and grass I gave them.
My girls...love leftovers. haha. Today, they got rice, corn, cantaloupe and romaine lettuce. We got a suet-type feeder from our local farm store, and we stuff that full of leafy greens. It keeps the goodies out of the dirt, and they're so funny ripping it to bits!
A friend came and helped me get my compost bins put together (just pallets wired together). He shoveled the part of the compost pile that needed rearranging into the new bin area. I saw HUGE white grubs in the newly exposed dirt and grabbed a can and started collecting them. Got something like 50 of them. Had a little garden party in the chicken pen. Actually it was more like complete pandimonium which erupted as soon as they saw what was in the can and the grubs started getting passed out one at a time. Everybody got at least 2, they were so big that they all had to take a few seconds to run away to make sure no one got "their" bug and to get the monsters down their gullets. Those grubs were as big around as big tomato hornworms and at least an inch long.

I dont quite get why a hen with a juicy morsel runs around clucking in a certain way which makes all the others certain to chase her, if she'd just be quiet and eat it no one else would even know she got something....

I looked them up, they were June Bug grubs.

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