What treat did your chickies get today?

I cut up tomatoes from my garden, gave them dinner rolls to.And of course they ate grass and bugs. My kids catch them lots of hoppers to munch on so no loss for protein lol
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My girls got a quarter of a cantaloupe, carrot tops (absolute favorite), a little cheese and half of a squash. There is also a large sunflower head in the run right now for picking at.
Jakoda, that sounds like wonderful treat.

My chickens' treat today was going into the fenced raised bed garden. It's about 14 X 20, I guess, and I strung bird netting over it and they enjoyed the fresh weeds, grass and bugs.
I got out my big stainless steel bowl and walked around the yard, pulling dandelions, bindweed and thistles (they'll eat the fresh tender interiors) and snipping fresh clover, comfrey, oat tops and some lamium. They now have a big ole pile of goodies to scratch through and are thoroughly enjoying it! In a little bit they'll get some homemade yogurt...just letting it warm now to room temp since it's a bit chilly this morning. They're not spoiled...not at ALL! LOL
Cleaning out cabinets and needed to get rid of some about-to-be-out-of-date oatmeal so I made it for them. I added two eggs before I put it on to cook. When done and cool, I topped it with some plain yogurt.

The gal's LOVED it!
I thought my chickens were spoiled. I give them a few left over pieces of fruit everyday that have spoiled, today they got peaches, a pear, some leftover parsley, and a whole ear of corn. I can't wait til my sprouts are done so I can start feeding them those. :)

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