What treat did your chickies get today?

I gave mine a flat of bird seed I had sprouted and grown up to little greens.
My layers got a Bananna From School That I couldnt eat. No Peels,
and My BUNNY, Bingo, Got the Peel!!
The way I see it, Its an All Around Win Situation!!
1; my chickens get some potassium and a yummy treat.
2; The food doesn't get wasted.
3: I get eggs and Fertilizer for my Garden!! :D
Mine got homemade pancakes and a handful of parsley this morning. Yesterday it was broccoli and a left over turkey hot dog and bun. I love not wasting food!
A nice warm bowl of oatmeal with homemade yogurt on top. And they gave us 4 gorgeous eggs in return.

They've given us so many that we passed 2 dozen on to the local food bank today...it's always short on protein items so we're really glad to be able to share our "wealth"
First thing when it was chilly, a bowl of warm cooked pintos with some yogurt, later in the day: trimmings from my canning session: stewing beef. They about took off my fingers before I got the dish set down, LOL

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