Whats the weirdest thing you've ever eaten??

Hi! I only read the last page.
Rattlesnake is good. Froglegs are good.
Bad is:
I was at the first family function with my 'new then' inlaws. I made a plate and the potato salad was funky / off.
I excused myself and went back to where the food was and whispered to my new MIL that someone should check the potato salad because if tasted like it might be spoiled.
They all laughed and tasted and said haven't you ever eaten potato salad with dill pickles? They said they LIKE potato salad made with dill pickles! I never had potato salad made with anything but sweet pickles!
That was one of the weirdest things I've eaten --- dill pickles in potato salad is just WRONG to my palate.
I did have a new one last weekend at a fish-fry. Someone got nutty and put whole-kernel corn in the corn dodgers --- that is wrongwrongwrong.

Fish Head Stew with homegrown rice, flavored with Noc-Mam(sic?) sauce. learned to like it after a while. Haven't had any in years. Pretty tough to get used to.
Potato salad with SWEET pickles????? Oh no, GOTTA be dill!!! LOL THAT made me hungry! My mother is not a really great cook (it's alright, she knows) but that woman can make the best potato salad EVER!!!!

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