Whats the weirdest thing you've ever eaten??

Blahh chicken intestines?
When my younger sister was little she ate a firefly that landed on her chocolate chip cookie (she left her catching jar open). THAT was funny! Not much later I ate a June bug that flew into the potato salad at a picnic. I thought it was a gherkin! That was not funny-ewww!
Gator Tail ~yummy
deer~ yummy
potted meat
pheasant & guinia eggs

And their are still lots of things I want to try!!!
PURPLE Vegetables ( carrots, potatoes, broccoli, spinash)
frog leggs
Deep Fried Oreos or twinkys or car bars
deep fried turkey
lots of others things

My Daddy said he ate dog when he was over seas, and snake. He don't talk about it much!

Momma grew up in the South and her parnets ate possum, coon.
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Don't know if it is weird, but while I was doing a fellowship at Shannon Point, we were out trowling and eating Sea Urchin gonads.

I have eaten a lot of bizzar stuff.....but the one thing I can not bring myself to eat is lutefisk......something that has to be soaked in LYE...just can not be very good!
I saw a special about lutefisk on the travel channel. It sounds like scary stuff! Almost as scary as those chicken intestines I ate lol.

I can't say I would ever try lutefisk. I'm curious if anyone here eats it, as part of their local culture?
I googled weird food!
I have eaten Collards (which are common here)
Grits(which is common here)
Fried Dill Pickles (which are common here)
Okra (which is common here)
Peanut Butter (which is common here)
chicken livers (which are common here)
Iced Sweet Tea (which is common here)
I like pinapple sandwiches with mayo! and greenbean sandwichs, and mashed potatoe sandwichs
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Up here, they have Lutefisk dinners...there are a boatload of Norwegians in this part of the country....Thank the Goddess I am Scot!

Yes it is scarey stuff, I understand that way back when, it might have been necessary, but come on people we have refrigeration in todays world.... lye is what I make soap with....infact if you leave the fish in the lye solution to long, it will mix with the water and fish oil and you will have a gooey form of fish soap

It is worse than Haggis, never thought I would say that!
Another reason why people should need a pasport to visit Alabama!!!

Just kidding!! I've never eaten chicken livers that I know of, we always just use them for catfishing!
Yummmmm...chicken livers!

I just moved from Bowling Green, KY and they serve livers at the KFC!
Maybe it is just a Mullenburg Co. thing, but my husband love everthing that the Alabama dude likes, the DH was born in KY...some times I not so sure you shouldn't need a passport to visit KY.....

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