Whats the weirdest thing you've ever eaten??

one persons wierd is another persons YUM!!! and I go for the the yum in foods...there is almost nothing I will not eat I love food! my friends tell me all the time "you eat wierd food!" I eat and all kinds of things other people find strange ...I have no turns offs about food and

the only thing I can honestly say I have ever eaten that made me think "now this is a wierd food" was a sea squirt

it was in a wonderful Korean seafood soup that had all kinds of clams crab prawns sea cucumbers in a spiced up broth some kind of greens it was a terrrific soup and I was chowing!

this one creature landed on my spoon and my friend (who happens to be Korean) when I held it up and said "so what is this I have never seen it before" told me the Korean name (I do not remember)

anyway I shrugged and popped it in my mouth it felt like leather had a very strange crunchy pop to it and then this warm salty (not seawater salty some other kind of warm saltiness
I can not find words to explain) ooze came into my mouth that really did affect me what I would say was a very wierd way!

so the wierdest thing I have ever eaten and trust me I have eaten some strange stuff in life

was that sea squirt would I do it again? maybe
I know I would have the soup again but maybe I would offer the squirt to someone who has never tried it and see how they reacted

there was nothing gross about it just that it was a wierd sensation
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wow, who here watches Bizzarre Food with Andrew Z.

If it looks Good, Eat it!!!!

Hidelight- whats the pretty flower in your avatar?
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:rolleyes:central ohio groundhog-not our norm but my son knows i am trying to eat cheap/more humanely so he went out one day when our 5 visable groundhogs were having a smorgasborg and culled one quick. it made me gag to watch the processing but tasted like pork/chicken in our opinion. many around now claim to have eaten it so i don't feel so hillbilly(just braver than most)
Nato. I had it while visiting Japan... It's fermented soy beans. Basically it looks, smells, and tastes like mold. Covered in a mucus that can be pulled to resemble spiders webs. Now I know it's a cultural thing... But mold is mold no matter what country you're in. And even the guides told us it was an acquired taste.
I had eel, squid, and octopus so many times that I don't think of them as weird anymore. The kids at a daycare we visited fought over the baby octopus. It was soooo adorable to see five year olds with chop-sticks fighting over the little octopus arms...
that just sounds too gross. Yuckers.

This isn't weird food but I cannot even look at jello without thinking of something disgusting. I absolutely hate jello. I get the crawls just thinking of it.
now I have the goose bumps!!!!!

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