Whats the weirdest thing you've ever eaten??

Rudloph's nose that's funny!!!
What is Scrapple?

"Scrapple is chopped or ground pork and cornmeal mush, cooked and shaped in a loaf pan, cooled, then sliced and browned in butter to serve. It is a true American specialty of the Pennsylvania Dutch (who called it ponhaws or pawnhaus). It was originally made from ‘scraps' of pork."
It literally has scraps in it, like heart and stuff. It is horrible for you but it tastes soooo good!
Rudloph's nose that's funny!!!
What is Scrapple?

"Scrapple is chopped or ground pork and cornmeal mush, cooked and shaped in a loaf pan, cooled, then sliced and browned in butter to serve. It is a true American specialty of the Pennsylvania Dutch (who called it ponhaws or pawnhaus). It was originally made from ‘scraps' of pork."
It literally has scraps in it, like heart and stuff. It is horrible for you but it tastes soooo good!

OH I like organ meat. Scrapple sounds good. I'd try it.

I see few things that I don't know what they are.
Baloot, fatback. Are they southern dishes?
Chocolate covered ants, ostrich (tasty but gamey), and a mystery meat that I was told was dog but may have been almost anything else. It sure weren't chicken!!!

I have also eaten kim chee. Fresh kim chee done well is very good, but the old stuff that some people really like made me want to

The ants tasted like chocolate covered rice crispies.
Guinea Pig. (eaten all over the mountains of Ecuador)

Mule and Horse. (again in Ecuador)

I'm fairly certain I had dog there as well.

In their soups they would put fish heads and chicken feet. I about puked when I got to the bottom of a bowl of soup once and there sat part of a chicken foot. Guess I'm a breast or thigh kinda guy.
Haggis (delicious!!) in Scotland, kangaroo and crocodile in Australia. The kangaroo was pretty good, but the crocodile tasted kind of swampy. My daughter keeps trying to get me to like octopus and I have tried it but can't get past the tentacles to really enjoy it.

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