Whats the weirdest thing you've ever eaten??

I love calamari, I love frog legs, I love dried cuttlefish, I LOVE kimchee. I loved squid ink (black) pasta. I liked eel, tasted pickled lamb tongues and would NOT try Polish duck blood soup!

perhaps monkey,,,,however I'm not sure. I was when I was a little kid and someone said it was. I'm not sure if he was joking or not. Escargo

octopus in squid ink sauce.....or was that squid in octopus ink sauce? I was something like that.
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I was little and my older brother's friend said it was. It was a dinner at our church while we had a priest from Africa.
I have cleaned, cooked and ate a racoon. It was not bad. Kinda like dark meat chicken.

I also ate a carp but it was nasty.

Pig brains were a favorite when I was a child. Cooked with scrambled eggs. I love them still but the cholestrol is horrible and I do not eat they anymore.

Many years ago I went to a flea market. There was a table with a sign "Free samples" and a bowl of jerky pieces. So I tried one and it was excellent! I said to my friend that it was really good beef jerky and try a piece! The seller said "No miss, not beef. Burro." And he put his fingers up on his head like long ears sticking up. I about choked. But it was good. No, I didn't buy any!

I've had emu chili and it was good too.
I think its all in what you are use to. I lived in hawaii until I was 7 and we ate snails, octopus, raw fish, sea uirchin,squid, but I had a real hard time eating bear it just didn't seem right.

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