When did you know that you were turning into your mother or father?

when I started telling my kids money doesn't grow on trees(my kids correct me and say"yes it does-made of paper,comes from trees)...
and when Im mad my face turns red(like my dads) you could almost see the steam come out of my ears
Africa? India?
LOL, with my parents they always said CHINA!
A saying my mom always had was when we said "I wish"...and I have caught myself a time or two, was "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride".
AND wish in one hand, s*** in the other and see what fills up first.
When I said "Don't make me come in there." Just one of the many phrases that leave that bad taste in my mouth. I can't believe I just said that.
It seems everyones mom and dad told them the same things growing up. They must have put out a pamplet back in the day of instructions. It gets passed down verbally from generation to generation now.

Don't make me stop this car
There are starving children in ____
and so on
This happened to me not so long ago and I was panicking inside thinking, "Now what?"


Mine were in Africa, so when those "save the children" commericials came on about feeding them for the cost of a cup of coffee came on she could point.....

Somehow I don't think starvation could make her cooking appitizing (boiled mushy spinach and a cup of vinegar is NOT a side dish, it's a bio wepon).

Mr Saddi said in his house the starving children were in Ethopia, and he would offer to put his dinner in a baggie and mail it (his momma's cooking, let's say it's a good thing she's a looker ok?)

Please God, noooooooooooooo, not that, anything but that! LOL

I always tell my boys to take a long, hard look at their girlfriends' mothers because that's who they'll be married to/dating in a few years.

I loooooove my mother, but if I ever turn into her, I really hope someone puts us ALL out of our misery!
The phrase I caught myself using that I always swore I wouldn't was "you have two hands, two feet, and a big mouth, do it yourself!" My eight year old still can't figure out what the big mouth has to do with anything.
Agreed, I refuse to be like either of my parents or step-parents. I refuse to keep my carpet clean enough to eat off of, dogs and cats are in the house (she HATES that), things get done when they get done - I refuse to kill myself because of what my neighbor thinks of my house/yard, I only cut my hair when it really looks bad or gets too long instead of every 6 weeks, my house is cramped and cluttered..... but I live here, she doesn't!
Don't have kids, not sure how I'd be if we did but it wouldn't be like her...

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