Where to find wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana hatching eggs

Does the roo not look pure? He’s a pure Wheaten Ameraucana supposedly. She plans on getting a pure wheaten/blue wheaten hen soon to have pure breds. Really just waiting on bird flu to dissipate.
Oh I thought you meant the roo is half ee. Ok I understand about the bird flu
Thank you! I just love him, one of my favorites. 🥰 Feel free to stick your nose in anytime.
I just love chickens and their awesome feather variety. I recently got my daughter silkies for her 25 th birthday so we have a variety of eggers, RIR, not sure Ameraucanas , Black copper marans , blue copper marans, buff orpingtons and salmon favorelles and I guess the asian black someone mentioned one of my birds might be. All in different stages of growth .its really enjoyable having chickens. have a blessed day.
Does anyone have any suggestions for finding wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana eggs? I am looking to do a spring chick thing in well spring and have always wanted Ameraucanas for the eggs, pets, and breeding. I know it's early but I know how hard they can be to find and don't want to settle. I want these colors for the roo look, I want a red roo and prefer to fill that space with a Ameraucana for the breeding opportunities. Thanks 😊
P.S I seen mpc has them maybe they will be in stock again when it's in season also I want 6 eggs cuz I heard a 50%percent hatch rate is normal and I only really have 2 1 hen and 1 roo. I can always give away/sell what is"extra"
Janene @ [email protected] should have eggs or chicks.

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