Whole milk vs replacer for kid


12 Years
May 30, 2009
So there seems to be a great debate about this. Doing the math the price of whole milk to weaning seems to be about the same as a bag of Agri-melc 2000. Although I think I would have left over replacer raising a 2lb Nigerian dwarf kid to weaning. But certainly preparing the milk replacer is much easier than warming up milk out of the fridge every feeding. What are the thoughts of goat people.
So there seems to be a great debate about this. Doing the math the price of whole milk to weaning seems to be about the same as a bag of Agri-melc 2000. Although I think I would have left over replacer raising a 2lb Nigerian dwarf kid to weaning. But certainly preparing the milk replacer is much easier than warming up milk out of the fridge every feeding. What are the thoughts of goat people.
We have always used milk replacer.
It is like this. Some kids do just fine on milk replacer. Some kids do not. Some kids can't tolerate the stuff and that includes the expensive replacers made just for kids. The ones that don't tolerate replacer may scour or they just may bloat and die very quickly. If you are going to feed replacer I suggest you keep a supply of Gas X on hand. It is very effective for treating bloat. If a kid is going to bloat it will usually do so within a half hour or so of being fed. By the way, you don't have to warm milk if you don't want to. Kids will drink cold milk.
It is like this. Some kids do just fine on milk replacer. Some kids do not. Some kids can't tolerate the stuff and that includes the expensive replacers made just for kids. The ones that don't tolerate replacer may scour or they just may bloat and die very quickly. If you are going to feed replacer I suggest you keep a supply of Gas X on hand. It is very effective for treating bloat. If a kid is going to bloat it will usually do so within a half hour or so of being fed. By the way, you don't have to warm milk if you don't want to. Kids will drink cold milk.

Oh thank you! I’ve had lambs bloat on replacer, so maybe I’ll try the homo milk. Gasx, I never thought that was an option. How do you use it? Dosage?
Oh thank you! I’ve had lambs bloat on replacer, so maybe I’ll try the homo milk. Gasx, I never thought that was an option. How do you use it? Dosage?
I don't know if there is a "correct" dosage. I just shoved a pill down their throat. I believe it also comes in liquid form but I have never used that. A neighboring goat dairyman is the one who told me about GasX. I used it on adult goats with bloat too. Works a lot better and faster, and it is safer, than the usual remedies like oil. If I was feeding lambs, I would try the formula made for Boer kids and mini goats. You take a gallon jug of whole milk, pour off about a quart, add a cup of buttermilk and a can of evaporated (not sweetened condensed) milk and shake it up. Fill the jug back up with some of the milk you poured off.

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