Why do you guys give your chickens apple cider vinegar?

Is it ok to give my ameraucana chicks apple cider vinegar in thier water? I noticed today that some of their droppings were sort of rust-colored and water-y.
I read on this and a few other websites that apple cider vinegar is good for chickens with diarrhea.
Also...Should I give them less than someone would for a full grown chicken?
Is it ok to give my ameraucana chicks apple cider vinegar in thier water? I noticed today that some of their droppings were sort of rust-colored and water-y.
I read on this and a few other websites that apple cider vinegar is good for chickens with diarrhea.
Also...Should I give them less than someone would for a full grown chicken?
I used it when ours were babies. In fact, after reading the other posts above, I realized that we had one chick with pasty butt and after I started using the ACV we never had a problem with it again. Maybe coincidence, maybe not.
One of my girls had constantly runny poop, which can be normal or not. When I started adding just a capful to their water every day, her poop firmed up. It seemed like whatever was bugging her stomach went away. We give it to our dog at the behest of our vet, so now we just add it to the chicken water daily too.
I have a 30 gallon barrel I fill to supply water to our gravity fed auto water-ers. It lasts about a month between fillings. If I ad the correct proportional amount of AVC will it last in the barrel or does it out-gas like chlorine and some other chemicals?
Thank you gale.
What a great thread! I too give it to my horse and the girls will be having it tomorrow too! I take it that it doesn't matter on the type of chickens? Can my Silkies have it too and ought they have less because they are small? Than you for the suggestions!
Fantastic information and insight from all! I plan to begin Apple Cider Vinegar with a change of water today. I've been cleaning their water containers a few times a week due to slime. Hope this helps and with health benefits for my girls (and one or two suspected roos
) I can't go wrong!

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