Why I haven't been around....So much for supporting our troops!

I do have one issue with the house and property..its missing CHICKENS!! But given the rules in that town they probably dont allow them! Chickens will make it a real home! I agree, go to the press. They love the stories involving active duty troops.
A great deal of these suggestions we've already tried. Because there is a demo order, we can not add our son's name on the deed, we can not get utilitites turned on, no one can live there, we can't sell it or redeed it in anyway. We can't even have home owner's insurance on it right now.

Because his name is not yet on the deed, we can't get JAG involved. He was in Iraq when we were finally able to file the deed. There were some legal issues on the seller's end (complicated divorce) that had to be resolved before we could register the deed in our names and our son was already in Iraq. Since we didn't foresee these issues, we did not get but a limited power of attorney (just for his banking issues) so we couldn't sign the paperwork for him on the house.

I will be stopping by the local news paper when I go up there this afternoon to let them know what is going on and will be contacting all the KC Metro area media if things do not go our way tonight.

I would have already hired a lawyer and had inspections etc done but we just don't have the money to do that unfortunately. The work we have already done on the house and the gas to go back and forth has cost us so much and the only reason we had the funds to do anything at all is my hubby wrecked my car and the insurance cut us a check for the repairs (so now my car sits unfixed).


I guess what got me is the "city"s" view. They are aware that this house is my son's and that he is in Iraq and they simply don't care. The "city" views the military as "only there to spend money in the community". Without the military there, the "city" wouldn't even exist.

Too many people with too much time on their hands I think.

Thanks all for your shared outrage and support. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
I think you should contact the white house, seriously this is wrong and he is the commander in chief. He is supposed to look out for his men and women. I agree there is something fishy about them wanting to demo this house so badly.
*** Listen to this****
I have a friend that lives in Cedar Rapids, IA. Linn County is very strict on thier building permits/upkeep and what not.

There was a house across the street from my friend's house that was condemned. Someone that works for the department that makes the decisions on condemnations bought the house for next to nothing. They are fixing it up to resell.
I would be contacting every news agency within 100 miles as well as Chris Cuomo on Good Morning America.

This is BS to be treating our servicemen and women so awful.
The house looks fine, unlived in but fine. I agree with the people that said contact the media in some way. Something to get this noticed and how wrong it sounds.
Even if you can't afford a lawyer, I would send the committee a certified letter stating that you are contacting legal counsel and exploring your legal remedies in this situation. I would include a statement saying that you would like to resolve this matter amicably, however, if the home is not taken off of the demolition list you will avail yourself of all legal remedies possible, including legal action against the city and individual committee members. Also include that you feel this action by the committee is a violation of your constitutional rights.

This might scare them a little and buy you some time. In the meantime, there are numerous programs that offer free legal help to people that can't afford an attorney. Call the state bar and your local bar (their numbers should be on a website) and ask about such programs. Many lawyers do pro bono work and they may be able to provide you with a lawyer for little to no cost to you.

Here are the numbers for the Kansas Bar:

Kansas Lawyer Referral Service at 1- (800) 928-3111

Services available to the public:

* Kansas Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
* Kansas Legal Services: (800) 723-6953 (including the Legal Aid Society)
* Kansas Legal Services Lawyer Advice Line: 1-800-928-3111
* Kansas Elder Law Hotline (888) 353-5337

Your best bet is the "Legal Aide Society" - these groups provide free legal services to people that can't afford an attorney.
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I also think that you should involve the media BEFORE the meeting on Tuesday. The quicker the story can be told, the more likely it will reach the right ears. A news story before the meeting may generate a few calls to the committe members that they cannot ignore.
this sounds fishy! I would get in touch with a public defender!! I can't believe they are gonna condem it. Don't they usually give you time to fix and then condem it. Have you been fined? What happens to the land after it's condemed? You still own it right? Please contact someone in a legal field!!

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