Why raise Bantam chickens?

I agree with all this. My standards were way messier. Plus you can have alot more bantams for your space!!!! Just think , More chickens !!!!!!!!!

I am so in agreement with all that's been said so far! When I was ordering chicks the children got the notion into their heads to buy a batch of bantams, too, just for fun --- well, it's been a week and they are FUN! Not only are they so different (the children bought the grab-bag mix) but they are so CUTE ! Now, don't get me wrong, I love my big girls and they are cute and do funny things just like the little bantam chicks do - but everyone who comes to visit is just - naturally! - drawn to the little banties

Had to laugh out loud at:

coffeemama wrote:

Because I can have twice as many :Dbig_smile


Bluedog420 wrote:

There are other chicken's beside's bantam's??? lol

Obviously I had no idea what I was getting into and now am already planning what new bantams we can get next spring!
Yep...Got some bantams by "accident" from someone who thought they were standards, took in a few (gorgeous ones!: Gold and Silver Sebright, Dark Brahma) from a friend, and adopted a few from another friend who "lost her lease" on her chickens....Listening to the cute er EE er EEEEUUUUUWWW that sounds like a squeaky toy...so, now there are (shipped in) banty eggs in the incubator!
I have been thinking of getting some more chickies but never even considered bantams until now! Yall have nearly sold me! My one question is could they live along side my big birds??? Or would they get picked on????
Probably get picked on. I keep both. Sometimes they can get along I hear, but my big ladies are so mean to the small ones.....they each have their own sides now.
I keep mine mixed. Everyone knows that the Bantam Rooster is the boss, even the big girls. So far it has worked out perfectly. The Bantams do a great job of hatching even standard size eggs and the Bantam Rooster is a wonderful hands ON father. He sat on the nest with the hen and also let the chicks go up and under his wings. I am still very impressed with this Bantam Rooster and from what I hear they are most all great parents. I have a friend who has 2 couples that she is selling and they are beautiful. If I had the room I would snatch them up. I have an incubator going and I am working on the last 7 days. It was so much easier to allow the Bantams to hatch and raise the RIRs. I have 2 Bantam pullets and 1 bantam hen and that is exactly what my plans are. I will let those three hens hatch as many eggs as they would like. Much easier than the alternative.
I get mine for the pure cuteness of them! Plus I sell all their eggs to people on here to share their cuteness
I have pure breeds so selling their eggs pay for their food plus their litter. I get to enjoy them for free

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