Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey Bigfam4

I think you are scaring him away !!!! I see TO is catching up !!! How's the scrapbooking going?

I'm tired tonight. We went for FFF in town, ate to much then came home and had ice cream !!!

This weather is really getting me down !!! Now I know why they say there are only 3 seasons up here. Or is it two ???
Just having some SUN would be nice. Guess I'll just keep taking my vitamin D's.
I finally took the chicks out(all over 24 hours old) here are some pics of them

I did not see any new chicks this morning so I took some out (the older ones) and came home to find another chick. He is still in the incubator. Not sure what egg he came out of though. Hoping more are coming, only the middle of day 22.
Cool Beans, Colton! Love the pics!
Well hello! Yes Frenchie I was catching up--again! I was caught up at 10:30 or so and came back after we went out to dinner and there were 75 MORE posts to read! OMG this might get to be too much even for me!
Scrapping is not going too well...started making some cards and got bored so I did ONE page. I think I am done for the night too! My friend is asleep here onthe couch next to me but since there are 3 still scrapping we cant get to bed! Perhaps I should have another Coke and get back to work?

GLad they got that bomber alive! Maybe we will have a few answers tomorrow? What a freak!

COngrats on the babies COlton and JJ you had me reading your posts aloud! (I totally agree with you BTW) Not real excited myself to be "reporting" anything more than I report now for sure!

Whoever that new person looking for Muskovys in SE WI--I have MANY eggs now and will also have LOTS of ducklings for sale in about a month and a half. I have another person wanting duck eating eggs so I have been collecting for that lately. (I have Buckeyes too...)

OK, back to scrapping! Amy and Julie--I hope the day is better at the MW horse Fair tomorrow.

hurley,,,, awesome dogs,,,,,, very impressive!!!!!!

colton,,, good job on the hatch buddy. maybe you can teach me how to do that.. I have had poor luck in the past

cuties.... nice pictures of the kids,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, good fun..
i dont remember who put up the horse pictures,, but liked those as well!!!!!
I got my second shipment of chicklets today, 3 days from iowa to here? REALLY?
sad to say that was hard on the babies. I did get some nice marans chicks, feathered legs and all. got a few brlwd and gold lwd. My survivers seem to be doing pretty well, eating n drinking with a lot of naps in between.[ now thats a life stile i would like to try for awhile] First batch from western iowa arrived in one day,
second batch from eastern iowa 3 days
just gotta make the best of it. I would still like to try to hatch some chicks [like some orps] anyone like to sell some eggs? C.C. Delish.... thought maybe cuties could bring some back from the girls cookout. If i have some luck with that I want to try some jubi-orps. Should have a nicer second coop set up by then. Wont be free rangeing them to often, at least not unattended.

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Hi All!

JJ.... your chickens must be part duck! Mine will go out if it's just a drizzle, but not a full rain! You should see them run for cover when the sky is falling! So sorry about your hen, sounds like she was a nice one.

vivki.... I feel so sorry for you and your girls (and anyone else that still has so much snow!) Seems like we'll never have summer! Who knows, maybe in Oct. we're going to wonder if it will ever get below 80*!

flocks.... Maybe when the silkie and turkey get bigger they can be friends again.

Angie... That's great your getting more egg cu stormers! I lost the ones where my son works because he wasn't coming every week to pick them up. He's doing a major remodel of his house and is living at the FIL's so it's a hassle to come get eggs way out here every week. I could sell out of the house but the dog barks if a leaf drops and I don't need him barking at everyone who wants eggs. So, for now I'm taking extras to the food pantry. I know they need them, but egg money is suppose to (at least help) pay for feed! I don't wash them unless I have to, just wipe as little as need be. However, since my girls haven't learned to wipe their feet (or butts) before getting into the nest.... some have been pretty muddy.

Colton.... Very cute chicks!

Elaine.... I think we all realize there are good kids out there... But it's the bad ones that get noticed. Most of us have tried to raise our kids right, most of us probably have. But you see too many parents letting the kids run the family. When these kids grow up they can't handle the "real world". My kids were raised with a good work ethic. They take responsibility. As a result my youngest son has been given management responsibilities at a young age. He has hired and fired kids his own age and some even older because they think the should get a check without doing all the work they were hired for. I've even heard him mumble about "kids now days"! LOL BTW... he's 22 now. He's not perfect, and he's not at the best place in his life right now, but he dose TRY. And anyone he's worked for would hire him back. My other kids are doing OK too. 2nd son spent 8 years in the Marines, is married to a nurse, has 2 boys and a pretty good job he likes. My Daughter got a job this last year and has been promoted ahead of gals that were there longer. My kids did good because they were raised not having everything handed to them. They know responsibility and work ethic. Sorry this went on so long... hope I made my point. It's not ALL kids that are "bad" just some, the ones that haven't learned you have to work to get what you want.

Hurley.... Beautiful Dogs! Hope they do well this week!

Zeke.... Hope the babies do well!

Guess that's about it...nothing new here.... Night ALL!

***Jim.... don't you love us anymore?
I think we all realize there are good kids out there... But it's the bad ones that get noticed. Most of us have tried to raise our kids right, most of us probably have. But you see too many parents letting the kids run the family. When these kids grow up they can't handle the "real world". My kids were raised with a good work ethic. They take responsibility. As a result my youngest son has been given management responsibilities at a young age. He has hired and fired kids his own age and some even older because they think the should get a check without doing all the work they were hired for. I've even heard him mumble about "kids now days"! LOL BTW... he's 22 now. He's not perfect, and he's not at the best place in his life right now, but he dose TRY. And anyone he's worked for would hire him back. My other kids are doing OK too. 2nd son spent 8 years in the Marines, is married to a nurse, has 2 boys and a pretty good job he likes. My Daughter got a job this last year and has been promoted ahead of gals that were there longer. My kids did good because they were raised not having everything handed to them. They know responsibility and work ethic. Sorry this went on so long... hope I made my point. It's not ALL kids that are "bad" just some, the ones that haven't learned you have to work to get what you want.

Exactly Cind! I need an applause smiley!

Off to work, everyone enjoy the day! I hear a rumor the sun should make an appearance!
Beautiful pups, Hurley!

Well said Babylady & Cindy. I don't disagree that how children are raised has a tremendous impact on how they grow into adults. But there's also a lot of people who have had miserable, horrible childhoods and raised themselves above it on their own. That's the whole nature v. nurture debate. I just emphatically reject the notion that all teenagers are bad. And as a mother of one and proud aunt of 4 more who are graduating high school this year (2 are going to aviation school, 1 has joined the air force, 1 is going to school to become a semi-mechanic and one is going to school to become a fire fighter) there's not a bad one in the bunch -- so I defended them & their generation. And I will continue to do so when I see statements like that.

And while I'm on a roll, SIZE DOES MATTER -- and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying! ha ha ha Think of it this way: if you wanted a robust, hearty breakfast of eggs would you want a fart egg, a bantam egg, a regular egg or a double-yolker?!! HUMMM????

So will my broody ever get over being a broody? She's the only naked-neck/bantam I have. She did this to me last year, too, and Terri was kind enough to bring me a couple of newly hatched chicks to put under her, but she was wise and wouldn't accept them so I ended up raising them and passing them on to another friend. Well, here she is broody again this year. The biggest problem is that she steals everyone else's eggs to put under her, and once she sits on them, I won't collect them for human consumption. (I've created a couple other places for them to lay but they still prefer the broody's box.) Guess I better go look up how to break a broody. (Thanks for the offer, Terri!)

Looks like it's going to be a pretty day - hope you get to get out & enjoy it!
Love to see those pups Hurley...they are beautiful.
I have a question... I had posted a question on the marans thread about the colors in my maybe female bcm..( she has a tiny bit of copper on chin and some white around eyes at three weeks ).and they called her mossy... Posted a few times asking what mossy was and no one would answer...anyone heard that before and what it means?

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