Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I think I forgot to tell everyone we are getting some hives put on both pieces of our property. Our friend is the WI bee queen. She goes around the country leasing out her bees to different orchards and things like that. Well, now they're back for the summer and she needs places to store them. I hope it goes well.
Darn wish you were closer. I was given a hive to use this year and we cant find any bees available. There was a shortage and you really had to order them early. I am on a list for a honeybee swarm, but have heard they are few as well.
Excited to find out more about bees!
Well I didn't buy an incubator. I just don't think I want to waste my money on a cheap one, so I'd rather wait a few weeks, get caught up on bills and then see what I'm able to save up after all that "grown up" stuff is taken care of. Besides, as badly as I "WANT" an incubator - and I WILL get one eventually - I need to use the money I would've spent on one and put it towards the chickens I already HAVE, first! I need to finish getting the rest of the supplies so we can get that danged coop and the runs made! The makeshift one we have for now is fine temporarily, and we HAVE picked up a few miscl. things here and there. But we haven't started building it yet b/c we don't have everything we need. So I need to focus on doing that first and get my prioritiess straight. It's just hard when you're really excited about something, is all. Soooo....I will be the responsible adult slash pet owner and put the money towards finishing this coop first before I start worrying about getting an incubator.

Regarding finding a used one - yeah I've thought of that,but I'm a little uneasy. Don't you have to worry about the possibility of disease? Just because it "looks" clean doesn't mean that it's disease free. Know what I mean? Or is that not something you really have to worry about? And if I am able to find a used one at a reasonale price, what's the best thing to use to clean it with? Another thing that makes me uneasy is the fact that people lie about their stuff all the time cuz they want to get rid of it. So if there's something wrong with it, or something's broken, or the heat or humidity goes wonky from time to time, or if they dropped it, a lot of people aren't gonna tell you. I don't want to buy someone else's problems.

Someone else on another board mentioned the Genesis Hovabator, too. She said she has model 1588 and got it off of incubatorwarehouse.com for roughly $200. It comes w/an auto turner and holds up to 42 eggs. That's a little more than I want to spend, to be honest with you. However - it's probably worth the money and in the long run I prob. would regret getting the cheap ones and all of the frustration and losses/lack of hatches on expensive eggs, etc... So I think that I will go with that one. Just need to hold off for anthother paycheck. Unless that danged tax return ever comes in! GRR!!
BigFam: Did you see the part of the teenagers cell phone video! Holy rainbow batman!!!

BBP: Does she need any more land for bees? What does she do about bears? Our fruit trees were buzzing with bees last weekend...insane! Also, Mike sent Jon a text last night...dont think he has heard back yet.

Delish: We should be in Friday evening....And hes already been looking into golf courses so that would be kewl that there will be others going.

Psycho: I used to have a business raising exotic birds in Cali, and let me tell you there were so many studies done on the best way to disinfect everything! The majority though, uses bleach to kill off bacteria. One study done showed that you should use a fresh jug of bleach...as the larger the air cap at the top of the bottle, the faster it lost some of its disinfecting properties. Also, Birdman of alcatraz is famous for showing how that leaving a little bleach residue or even adding a drop or two to a gallon of their drinking water helped with disease prevention. Again, this is all coming from deep in the gray matter from 13 yrs ago.

Tomski: WHAT! :-( Can you even stop in for a bit? Not sure how far you live from there.

So what chicks/chickens are people bringing to the bash to sell? (Not bringing any home, Im not not not!!! LOL) just curious I swear

As far as getting ready for this weekend, haven't started! LOL After work tonight, get some baking done, laundy, wash sleeping bags, and start gathering things up. Work from home in the morning, pack after lunch and hope to be ready close to when the DD13 finishes school.
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That's how I got 5 sons

You were attacked by spoons??
Oki I'm new to BYC and finally got time enough to post! Am in Rice Lake and was just wondering if there are any others close-by to get to know?! Would be so great cuz it does get a wee bit lonely up here... So anyone contacting me is highly welcome! Now have a great week and enjoy the warmer days!
wildsam. We are in Boyd, a little over an hour from you.
Morning all! I thought it was supposed to rain last night? NOTHING and not a cloud here today...they are still saying rain though. I hope those of you North didnt get hit too bad. The storm looked pretty nasty on the radar!
Just took the first batch of jerky out of the dehy...spicy batch and delish....jerky heaven. Tomorrow I'll be makin the good standard jerky that everyone loves....it takes about 7 to 8 hours to get er done...hope you think it's worth repeaten zeke....
On man...my mouth is watering! (Kinda like when I bought that fried chicken for my client yesterday...I swear they put the deli in the front of the store so you get to smell that chicken in your cart all the way through the store...I should have had a bib on!
so ANYWAY BRB with pictures............Kim

OMG Kim--I enlarged the pics and you can see the little muffs! So adorable! I have a couple that look just like the silvery ones running around with one of my broodies. Way cute!
To are you bringing a gf pancake mix????

No storms here yet.....
Weather alert on the radio now..."supposed to develop" says the guy. Sheesh! I hadnt thought about it cause I figured Judy would bring some...but I can mix some up for sure! (better write that down on my loooong list! LOL)
yes at any age,, only I think 1 to 6 year olds might have a little trouble..
Jim--your wit amazes me! I wish I could watch the videos...I used to be able to but it keeps stelling me that the Flash Plug-In has crashed. DH just keeps telling me to reboot...yeah-doesnt work!
Thanks for the luck!!
Maybe Jim could help write the sermon,,,,He's pretty clever,,, might turn a head or two... all the way around..
Zeke-you are only second to Jim in the wit department! Also I think you should have a lessen on picture posting! Hey, if Jim can do it so can you!
Hey Everyone!

Sorry to announce that I won't be able to make it to the Bash this weekend. Two separate things have come up that I just can't reschedule or miss. It sucks, but it's life I guess... I'll miss you all. Please take plenty of pics to post.

Laters -

WHAT!???? Not even for a quick beer?

OK--nothing new here except another turkey! I went down to take the remaining eggs out and heard it peeping! This is driving me nuts! I wanted to set Bob's today and move the others into that bator for hatching....I guess I need to do the water test. I just have this sneaking suspicion that my only hen turkey will come down this year with 25 babies in tow! She is 4 years old and hasnt had a successful hatch yet...this will be the year.

Off to hang some laundry...still no clouds but a nice breeze! Then kids will be here...that should be fun trying to get ready to go with all their yakking in my ear! I have never seen two kids talk so much!

Have a great day....cant wait for tomorrow! I will tell DH to bring his clubs...then you can all have a good chuckle while golfing! (hey, even HE laughs at his game...maybe I wont tell him!)
TO, are you able to bring any Bobs to the Bash? Or are they not hatched yet? Julie was wondering... Sounds like there might not be goslings, eh?

All the storms broke up before they got here, not a drop of rain. Good, we are still drying out from Tues.

The Scovy hen from Julie is sitting on at least 13 eggs in my garden. They will be Scovy/WH. Mutt ducks, or Mucks!!
OH! And my Amerecauna that hasn't layed, yet? She layed last night!
Same pretty blue-ish green color as the other ladies, but BIG! Not as big as the pink egger, though. So excited!

By the by - my chicks are making some strange new noises!! ***??? I can't describe it. It just started yesterday. It almost sounds like a shakey scream (not exactly a trill?) that's not very loud, but it starts high, goes low, then ends in a chip-chip. I can't tell who's doing it but I suspect it may be coming from my older batch that's 6-7 wks old. In there I have 2 Amerecaunas, 1 Amerecauna X buff Cochin mix (standard sized), 1 silkie, 3 polish bantams, 1 mottled houdan. If it's not them, then I suspect my other ones who are about 3 wks old and in there I have 2 standard sized polish, 2 standard cochins, 1 NN Turken, 1 silkie, 3 Mille Fluers (okay, 1's a porcelean). Any clue who might be singing like that?

Regarding last night's storm... We lost power at work last night. Everyone had to file into the emergency shelters. I called my DH b/c he's a pilot and has access to detailed weather reports and knows how to read radar and etc... He told me there was a tornado spotted in Boscobel and radar indicated a tornado in a town NE of there, but I can't think of the name right now. There was also a building that was damaged outside of Richland Center. (I was just there several hours before hand!) All those towns keep getting closer and closer to us! There were some trees damaged in Reedsburg, too. Plus DH was also saying they had half dollar sized hail in the Prairie du Chien area. Everyone was hoping they'd send us home from work, but NOOOoooOOOO!!!!!!!! LOL! Just had to listen to the severe thunderstorm beating the tar outta our factory all night long and dread the long walk to the parking lot kiddy corner across the street! BOO!

Chad - What is a chicken tractor? Can you post pics of yours?

Angie - My girls are 16 1/2, 14 1/2, and 6. So not 13, but close! LOL!

Terri - I can't say I blame ya for calling social services. I hate it when the elderly get ignored and neglected! :(

Welcome, WIldSam! I'm nowhere near you, sorry!

GhostRider - cute chickie-poos!

Judi - IDK how you get Angiebubs from Judi, but hey! whatever works! ;) I'm 3/4 German and 1/4 Norwiegan.

Yvette - Thanks for sharing. I was wondering what you smelled like... (JUST kidding! LOL!)

Zeke - my mom's friends used to raise honey bees for decades! Not sure if they still do or not. They live in Woodstock, IL.

IrishRovr - Haha! Funny pic w/the spoons & egg! And no, BigFam didn't get preggo from any of that. She got preggo from having sausge & "scrambled" eggs for breakfast one to many times! DOH! LMAO!

Tom - sorry you won't be able to swing by for the bash! :(

WOAH! Wha' da heck is THAT?? So pretty!!
So what chicks/chickens are people bringing to the bash to sell? (Not bringing any home, Im not not not!!! LOL) just curious I swear

Indeed! Inquiring minds want to know! I've pretty much got what I want to have "for now", but there are a couple of loose ends or gaps that I wouldn't mind filling in if I happened across them. This is what I'm keeping an eye out for, but am in no particular hurry for:

~ 1 adult rooster, fertile and a proven/eager breeder. I'd like to get a roo to breed to my 4 Amerecauna hens so that I can start to practice hatching out my own eggs. I am hoping to find either an Amerecauna, an EE, a Marans, or a standard sz NN Turken. (I'm eventually planning on working towards olive eggers, so that's why the marans, and I'm also going to try for EE NN's)

~ Does anyone have ANY Naked Necks at all?? I just picked up 7 more pullets for a total of 8 pullets now, but not one single roo. I'd like a black roo and am open to a 2nd color. May consider a few more pullets, like splash, barred/cukoo, or may consider mixed breed if they look pretty and unique. Doesn't have to be young chicks, I'm open to adults or juvies

~ I'd like more standard sz cochins. I've only got 1 blue and 1 gold laced, both pullets. Wouldn't mind 1-2 roos and 2-4 pullets of various colors.

~ 2 of the 3 show girls I bought for my kindergardener didn't make it. The one died about a day and a half after we got it, so clearly it wasn't going to make it for some reason or other. The other one just died a few days ago and IDK why. They're so bitty compared to the others inthe box, I hope she didn't get trampled? Well, I'm switching them up today, so the biggest ones are coming out and she'll be in there w/the banty cochins and 2 young marans. So she'll have more space and no big ones in with her. So if any one has any show girls I'd like to replace those for my daughter. She was really sad about that.

~ Polish! Standard size, I'd be interested in red and silver laced the most. Bantams, I need a buff laced to go w/my buff male. And I want tolbunts of any size, but they're so hard to find IDK if anyone around here has any.

~ For geese, I am only interested in Sebastopols or saddleback Pomeranians. Jim - you never responded back to any of my posts awhile back about the sebby's. So I wasn't sure what direction you were taking with them so I haven't said anything in awhile. Are you going to be bringing them with to the bash? Just want to be sure I have somthing to put them in and pull your money out ahead of time.

~ For turkeys I'm hoping to find chocolate, and I know a guy I can get them from, but he only sells eggs. Refuses to ship chicks. So I'd have to wait until after I had an incubator and tried a couple of hatchings out first. So in other words, it'll be months before I can buy eggs from him.

~ For ducks, not really sure where I'm going with them. I love the look of the Buffs, and who was that that had that pr of snowy call ducks? Were you able to sell them or are you bringing them w/you to the bash for me?

I'm in no hurry to get anything above, if I find something, I find something, if not, I'm sure I will sooner or later. But the main pressings would be something to breed to my adult hens and also a male turken for all my pullets.

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