Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Early Evening to all....Welcome to the new folks, and no problem steph with the survey. I'm like Jim and have more than 10 birds, but will answer some questions later.
Congrats on the hatch Irish....

My puter is having fits right now.

Where did you acquire your orps Jim?

Glad you had a safe vacation bl4!


I was at the feed mill retail store. the chicks were there also. and that is how it happened.
they were a bit pricey, but what's money for ?
The chicks came from Sunnyside, I am quite sure...
The guy said they are supposed to be all pullets ..
I hope, I hope.
If I decide that I need a rooster or two, I should have no problem finding them.

I sort of want to compare these that I raise to the ones I have ordered that are coming in September.
Hi All!

Steph.... I'm afraid most of us on this thread have succumb to "Chicken Math". I think only a couple of people here have less than 12.

I think my little Wellie girl is hiding her eggs. I haven't seen a real dark egg all week!

Night All.
Del, we have OE chicks if your friend is interested.
We have Wyandotte here. And their broody is not hard to break, as long as I catch it early. I put them in a wire rabbit pen for approximately 24 hours. And the cool air on their belly seems to make them break. If they don't brake, I just give them duck eggs to hatch :D
The Wyandotte ate by far my favorite. They are the only breed I have that lay WELL through the winter. And are very calm gentle birds.
Keep in mind any breed you research will be different if purchased from a hatchery.
1. How many, and what breeds do you own? Any roosters?
-We have 2 buff orpingtons, 2 easter eggers and one barred rock, unknown if they are roosters, but we have no intent on keeping them if they are. Plans to add on next year and year after to get flock to a total of 9
2. How did you decide those on breeds?
-We did some research and had planned for those breeds, but that was what the feed mill had the day we got there.
3. How is your coop and run set up? Would you change anything if you could? Feel free to send a picture!
-In the process of building our coop this weekend, will send photos as the week goes on if that is ok
4. Do you allow for free range or foraging time? If so, how is that space defined?
-Birds will be allowed to forage, but in a simple chicken tractor, we have a bird dog that is a little too interested in the flock
5. How do you winterize your coop/run?
-We built a privacy fence against our windbreak to keep a majority of the wind from blowing snow into the run. We will add plastic on the lower half or so of the run as needed so the birds can access it all winter. The pop door will be open every morning with the exception of extreme days, and the space between the roof and the ceiling will be covered only with hardware cloth, not enclosed, no insulation, no heat lamp. Discussions about coupla also
6. What are the best tips to save time/money on maintaining your flock?
-Chickens are slobs, important to have a feeder that minimizes them perching on it and pooping in the food. Also, one that they can not scratch the food out of, mine like to do that.
7. How do you handle medical care for sick or injured birds? At what point do you see a vet or euthanize?
-If the remedy is fairly simple, we will home care, otherwise, no issues with humanely dispatching the bird
8. Do you have dogs or cats as well? Any issues with pet vs. chicken attacks?
-Dog was mentioned, he can be trained, just not a priority right now.... turtle seems to leave them alone

9. Do you know the zoning restrictions on chickens for your county or town? Did you have to fight to be allowed to keep poultry?
-Village of Maine has zoning restrictions on the number and size of buildings we can have on our property because of it's size (3 acres) our neighborhood had a set of covanances when the subdivision was created restricting us from having any livestock. We took a plan in to the village and had to have a couple discussions because we felt they were not interpreting their words quite correctly ( they were not) and spoke to the 2 houses in our subdivision that we felt could potentially be an issue ( they will not be)
10. What is the hardest thing about keeping chickens that people may not be aware of?
-Chicken Math!!!
Hopefully that was helpful.
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Del, we have OE chicks if your friend is interested.
We have Wyandotte here. And their broody is not hard to break, as long as I catch it early. I put them in a wire rabbit pen for approximately 24 hours. And the cool air on their belly seems to make them break. If they don't brake, I just give them duck eggs to hatch :D
The Wyandotte ate by far my favorite. They are the only breed I have that lay WELL through the winter. And are very calm gentle birds.
Keep in mind any breed you research will be different if purchased from a hatchery.
Your Olive eggers lay some incredible looking eggs. I see your ads on Craigslist all the time. And the wyandottes are gorgeous. I think my favorite is the blues. You've got a good thing going with your operation
I made it back from my adventure yesterday with a Rose Comb Rhode Island Red cockerel and a Black Langshan cockerel. I decided to take 9 RIR chicks as well. I was talking to the breeder and said my next adventure was finding eggs to hatch at my school and he went into his breeding pens and gave me 13 eggs. He sent RIR, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, and bantam Buff Orp eggs. He has been breeding and showing his poultry for 25 years now. I would highly recommend him to anybody that wants to take a trip to get some poultry.
I made it back from my adventure yesterday with a Rose Comb Rhode Island Red cockerel and a Black Langshan cockerel. I decided to take 9 RIR chicks as well. I was talking to the breeder and said my next adventure was finding eggs to hatch at my school and he went into his breeding pens and gave me 13 eggs. He sent RIR, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, and bantam Buff Orp eggs. He has been breeding and showing his poultry for 25 years now. I would highly recommend him to anybody that wants to take a trip to get some poultry.

where would this trip take me ? Not that I am going soon.

I could not get onto BYC for most of today.

I needed to fix one of the hand wheels on my table saw. the cheap plastic one broke for the blade tilt. I needed the tilt so I built a wheel.. It works just like a boughten one and didn't cost me $49.oo..

where would this trip take me ?  Not that I am going soon.

I could not get onto BYC for most of today.  

I needed to fix one of the hand wheels on my table saw. the cheap plastic one broke for the blade tilt.  I needed the tilt so I built a wheel..  It works just like a boughten one and didn't cost me $49.oo..


I went to McConnell, IL just north of Freport. The breeder is Floyd Stees. I found him on http://www.standardbreedpoultry.com

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