Wormer - Pyrantel Pamoate

I have a followup question. Is there any approved wormer specifically for PINWORMS in poultry? Mine are neither laying hens nor meat birds, and won't be either for quite some time. We have a pinworm problem and my hope is that there is something I can add to their water to knock these out. Thanks in advance for helpful replies.

Alternatively, how can diatomaceous earth be used for pinworms? Can it be? I have nearly 50 birds, total, that must be treated. Water treatment is easier route to go, if possible.
@mml373 Pinworms aka threadworms aka "capillary worms in poultry" can be deadly to chickens if they arnt wormed. Diatomaceous earth will not prevent nor treat any types of worms, period.
Purchase Valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer and dose each bird individually 1/2ml orally using a syringe without a needle. Then repeat again in 10 days.

Have someone hold the chicken for you, take your pre-loaded syringe and pull the hens wattles down. Her mouth will open, use your other hand to squirt the liquid in her mouth and quickly let go of the wattles at the same time so she can swallow the liquid.
Then release her and get the next bird and repeat the procedure.

You dont have to worm all your birds in one day. You can worm them by breed, by coop, or worm half one day, worm the other half the next day. You can also use a black felt tip pen and mark the comb indicating the bird was wormed. That way you know what birds were wormed if you decide to worm birds over several days.

Putting wormers in water isnt very effective treating worms. Birds dont drink as much water in cooler temps as they do in warmer temps. Some birds may not drink enough of the treated water to be effective, sick birds or broodies dont drink at all.
Giving wormers orally as mentioned above, guarantees birds got properly dosed and properly wormed.

It's best to go outside before sunrise and snatch birds off roosts in the coops and worm them. Bring a flashlight and another person to get it done. It's also best to worm birds prior to feeding them. The birds will be starving in the morning, so will the worms. Feed the worms the Valbazen, it'll take care of them. Dont forget to reworm in 10 days.
@mml373 Pinworms aka threadworms aka "capillary worms in poultry" can be deadly to chickens if they arnt wormed. Diatomaceous earth will not prevent nor treat any types of worms, period.
Purchase Valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer and dose each bird individually 1/2ml orally using a syringe without a needle. Then repeat again in 10 days.

Have someone hold the chicken for you, take your pre-loaded syringe and pull the hens wattles down. Her mouth will open, use your other hand to squirt the liquid in her mouth and quickly let go of the wattles at the same time so she can swallow the liquid.
Then release her and get the next bird and repeat the procedure.

You dont have to worm all your birds in one day. You can worm them by breed, by coop, or worm half one day, worm the other half the next day. You can also use a black felt tip pen and mark the comb indicating the bird was wormed. That way you know what birds were wormed if you decide to worm birds over several days.

Putting wormers in water isnt very effective treating worms. Birds dont drink as much water in cooler temps as they do in warmer temps. Some birds may not drink enough of the treated water to be effective, sick birds or broodies dont drink at all.
Giving wormers orally as mentioned above, guarantees birds got properly dosed and properly wormed.

It's best to go outside before sunrise and snatch birds off roosts in the coops and worm them. Bring a flashlight and another person to get it done. It's also best to worm birds prior to feeding them. The birds will be starving in the morning, so will the worms. Feed the worms the Valbazen, it'll take care of them. Dont forget to reworm in 10 days.
Much appreciated. I'll pursue this route, and thanks again.

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