Your top 5 breeds for temperament

Definitely a few faverolles hens since you'll have the roo. Keeping heritage breeds is always a good thing and they're sweethearts, if not the best layers.
I would go with Speckled Sussex, Black Austrolorps or Easter Eggers if you want good, not incredibly broody, but friendly birds. Red Stars and New Hampshire Reds are also very good layers with gentle personalities.
Brahmas will be like giant faverolles, a bit broody, really gentle and not the best layers, but loads of personality.
A good friend has had incredible luck with Barred Rock hens being both very productive and huge cuddlebugs.
Lastly, if egg production isn't that important, and you really want some great birds to chill with the faverolles, you could add Silkies, Cochins (full size or bantams) or D'Uccles to your list.
My personal choice for a 2 bird flock are Easter Eggers and Cochin, with Faverolles a close 3rd. I love fluffy feet and colored eggs, and EEs and cochins bring a huge variety of fun and love to the coop.

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